Cowboy in Capes Members Only


Complete recordings from Neil Wetzel’s new CD Cowboys in Capes

Right click (Control Click) song title to download the sound file

  1. Rose of San Antone, composed by Bob Wills
  2. Low Groove, composed by Bob Shuster
  3. Cold, Cold Heart,  composed by Hank Williams
  4. Los Zapatitos, composed by Neil Wetzel
  5. Your Cheatin’ Heart, composed by Hank Williams
  6. Cowboys In Capes, composed by Neil Wetzel
  7. Dorothy Ann, composed by Neil Wetzel
  8. If You Ain’t Dutch, You Ain’t Much, composed by Neil Wetzel
  9. I Come To The Garden Alone, composed by C. Austin Miles

Sound files with sax solos omitted so you can “play-along” with the recording 

  1. Rose of San Antone (no sax solo)

  2. Low Groove (no sax solo)

  3. Cowboys in Capes (no sax solo)

  4. Los Zapatitos (no horn solos)

  5. Dorothy Ann (no sax solo)



LIVE Youtube performance of “Your Cheatin’ Heart” performed live in Foy Hall (Moravian College) January, 2013

Neil leading the Karel Velebny Summer Workshop Big Band in Frydlant, the Czech Republic


“The ABC’s of Playing Over Chord Changes”

“Inside the Improviser’s Mind”

“Saxophone Basics”



TRANSCRIBED SOLOS from the CD (pdf format)

1. Soprano sax solo from “Cold, Cold Heart

2. Alto sax solo from “Low Groove

3. Alto sax solo from “Rose of San Antone

4. Alto sax solo from “Your Cheatin’ Heart


LEAD SHEETS (pdf format)

Chord Changes for “Low Groove”

Chord Changes for “Rose of San Antone”



Big Band arrangement of “Los Zapatitos” (complete for 17 piece big band with full score)

Quintet arrangement of the tune “Cowboys in Capes”

Woodwind Quintet and Sax Solo arrangement of “Dorothy Ann”

Los Zapatitos (small band arrangement)

The allure of the musical “Value Meal.”

Is musical taste derived from “free will” or are listeners programmed to like what is easy and available—conditioned to like what is spoon-fed by the media? Are music consumers falling for mass-produced musical products that are easily marketed and sold? Is pop music like a newspaper that needs to be written at a 6th grade… READ MORE »